Welcome to the BuySellVouchers product page for VoipDiscount credit! If you're looking to buy VoipDiscount credit, you've come to the right place. Here at BuySellVouchers, we offer an easy and secure way to purchase VoipDiscount credit and top up your account.
VoipDiscount is a popular VoIP service that allows users to make low-cost or free calls to other VoipDiscount users and to landlines and mobile phones worldwide. With VoipDiscount credit, you can make calls at highly competitive rates to over 240 countries around the world.
At BuySellVouchers, we make it easy to purchase VoipDiscount credit online. Once you have completed your purchase, you will receive your VoipDiscount voucher code instantly via email.
At BuySellVouchers, we pride ourselves on offering a fast, secure, and reliable service. Our 24/7 customer support team is always available to assist you with any questions or issues you may have. We also offer a dispute resolution center to ensure that all transactions are completed to your satisfaction.
So if you're looking to buy VoipDiscount credit, look no further than BuySellVouchers. Our easy and secure checkout process ensures that you can top up your account quickly and easily.
Our gift card marketplace is one of the best places where to buy cheap VoipDiscount gift cards online. The buying process on the Buysellvouchers marketplace is fast and simple. If you want to buy VoipDiscount gift card instantly, please follow these steps:
1. Choose the category: "VoIP".
2. Select "VoipDiscount".
3. Select a gift card that you want to purchase.
4. Enter the amount of how many VoipDiscount gift cards you want to add to the "Shopping cart".
5. Press the button – "Buy".
6. Choose a payment method (Tether, Litecoin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance USD, DAI).
7. Enter "Email address" (product email delivery).
8. Press the button "Checkout".
9. After you have paid, press the button "Done".
10. After receiving the payment, Buysellvouchers will send the VoipDiscount voucher code to your email. You will also be able to find and access the purchased VoipDiscount gift card code in your account under the "Transactions'' section. This section will help you to monitor your previous orders.
Note: Please carefully check the product details and buyers' reviews before the purchase. Some products are shipped instantly, but some are delayed. If you do not receive the item, contact “Support” immediately. You can find more information about the buying and selling process of gift cards in the FAQ section.
The Buysellvouchers online marketplace is one of the best places where to sell unwanted VoipDiscount gift cards online. If you want to sell VoipDiscount gift cards, please follow these steps:
1. Register as a "Seller".
2. After registration, click on "Account preferences".
3. Select "My Products".
4. Press "Add New Product".
5. Choose the product category - "VoIP".
6. Select the product - VoipDiscount.
7. Fill in the fields: "Value" and "Price".
8. Select the “Currency”: USD, EUR, GBP, RUB, PLN, CZK, RON, CHF, TRY, AUD, SGD, NZD.
9. Enter the product “Name” and “Description”.
10. Upload the image.
11. Select what payment you will accept for your product.
12. Click on “Next”.
13. Select the way to share the VoipDiscount key.
14. After you have added the codes, click on "Save".
15. Congratulations - The VoipDiscount gift card has been placed for sale.
The registration process on the Buysellvouchers marketplace is simple, and it is free. No credit card information is required for registration. To register, you only need an e-mail address. To make the use of Buysellvouchers convenient internationally, our website is translated into 7 languages (English, German, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, French, and Arabic).
Before using the Buysellvouchers gift card marketplace, please read the Terms and Conditions. If you have any doubts or questions, you can contact our Support.
To redeem your voucher, simply follow these easy steps:
1. Go to the VoipDiscount website and log in to your account
2. Click on the "Buy Credits" button
3. Choose "Redeem Voucher"
4. Enter your voucher code and click "Redeem"
Your VoipDiscount credit will be added to your account balance and you can start making low-cost calls right away.
If you have more questions about using the VoipDiscount gift card, such as:
In this case, you have the opportunity to ask these questions to the VoipDiscount gift card sellers. We have created the section “Private Message” which allows the buyer to receive all the necessary answers to various questions related to the product from the VoipDiscount gift card sellers. You need to be a registered user to contact the seller.
VoipDiscount is one of many applications developed by a German VoIP communication company namely Betamax. For the time being, operator VoipDiscount is enjoying a wide range of popularity amongst Russian-speaking users of the World Wide Web.
In order to begin using the benefits of mentioned application VoipDiscount first have to download it from the official provider’s homepage (voipdiscount.com) and set it up on your computer. In addition, the application VoipDiscount may be used not only on computers running on Windows but also on Linux or Mac operating systems which were realized due to the support of SIP data transfer protocol.
Application VoipDiscount requirements for computers are difficult to name high since comfortable use of the application is enough with a processor which a clock frequency of 300MHz, 128Mb RAM, sound card, headset, and 10Mb of hard drive space. Undoubtedly, the computer needs a broadband connection for data transfer ( minimal 100kb/s).
Besides mobile version of VoipDiscount is available, which can be installed on any mobile phone with Java support. Thanks to the given application VoipDiscount any client at any time which is convenient for him may use the service package “ Mobile” to be in touch with other persons wherever is coverage of a mobile network.
So, now the client VoipDiscount is downloaded and installed on your computer or smartphone. It is relatively hard to make a review of this particular program VoipDiscount since it is so simple and understandable from the first view even for beginner users of the internet. Application VoipDiscount has the tab “Start” where the user has to enter his registration information, as well as tabs “ Contacts”, “Calls” and “Call list”. Thereby, there is no difference from the interface of a common mobile phone.
It the worth mentioning is also two great advantages of this client VoipDiscount from Betamax Company. Firstly, users VoipDiscountmay call each other within the network without any fee. Secondly, their VoipDiscount possibility to send SMS to mobile phones, in other words, you can send one SMS to several people from your contact list at one time.
In addition, there is no limitation on the number of calls as well as the duration of calls, and the total number of calls per month.
To make calls and send messages not only to other users of this application VoipDiscount is needed to charge your subscriber’s account. That may be done with any amount in the range of 10 to 500 Euros. To top up your balance VoipDiscount buy credits you may use a wide variety of systems, the most relevant amongst the Russian population are VISA and MasterCard, systems of online payments Yandex-money and WebMoney, and as well SMS payments.
Make calls to landlines and mobile phones and use of SMS is possible immediately after making a deposit to your VoipDiscount account. Call rates are significantly lower compared to phone calls. For example, a call to Argentina costs only 0.02 Euros per minute, besides a call to Canada will be at no cost. To view the full rate Voipdiscount list please visit the official website of Betamax. There also will be a list of countries to which calls are without any cost.
Betamax Company is among the top operators of VoIP telephony which provides its client's opportunity to use different software for making VoIP calls around the globe.
Among the client software user can find Netappel, Sipdiscount, Nonoh, Rynga, 12voip, Jumbo, Voicetrading, Justvoip, ActionVoip, Lowratevoip, SMSListo, BudgedSip, Telbo, VoipDiscount, Intervoip, and so on.
Despite the variety, all of the programs mentioned above are easy and very comfortable to use, because all of them have an easily understandable interface.
VoIP telephony gets more popular among different ways of communication every year. According to statistics, in the year 2012 VoIP operators earned more than one billion dollars.
According to the expectations of experts, the client basis of VoIP telephony will increase by 3 million users every year or even more. It’s all because using VoIP telephony is not only cheap but also very simple. All users must do is install client software to a PC, portable PC, or mobile device and go through simple registration on the website of the VoIP operator, the user has chosen.
In comparison with classic ways to communicate, VoIP telephony possesses many different advantages, among which are cheapness of communication, high level of security, the possibility of organizing conferences, an additional phone line with 50 channel capacity, call forwarding to any place around the whole the globe and many other.
Besides everything, any client of any VoIP operator is not bound to any specific location, because users can call and receive incoming calls from any place on the planet, where an internet connection is constantly available, but its speed must be not less than 100 Kbps.
VoipDiscount is one of the numerous programs of IP telephony from German operator Betamax. This software is very popular amongst the Russian-speaking users of the Global Network.
VoipDiscount client software (software for calls) may be installed on the computer, running any operating system, and on mobile devices, which support broadband internet connection. The interface can be understood on a hunch – it is similar to the interface of a regular mobile phone.
The official VoipDiscount website also possesses a clear and easily understandable interface. It’s very easy to buy credits or conduct some other action necessary.
If to talk about advantages, it’s worth mentioning:
· Free calls within the home network;
· Possibility to send SMS to more than one person at a time;
· Existence of free calling directions.
How to use it?
To make cheap international calls to mobile phones or landlines, using VoipDiscount, it’s necessary to take a few easy steps:
· Visit the website of the operator and download the appropriate version of the software;
· Register in the system;
· Install the program on a computer or mobile gadget;
· Visit a special section of the VoipDiscount website, buy credits and then call important people all around the world.
Prices and account replenishment
VoipDiscount users are making international phone calls at lower prices than people using mobile and landline phone operators. For example, a minute of conversation with someone in Argentina will cost only 2 cents.
There are several ways to replenish a VoipDiscount account (buy credits):
· Using electronic money;
· Using credit/debit cards;
· Using electronic vouchers.
VoipDiscount voucher is a unique 16-digit combination. After the voucher is bought it’s very simple to replenish the account. It is necessary to visit a special section of the VoipDiscount website – “buy credits”, then choose the voucher as the way to replenish the account and enter the special code, when the input form has appeared.
On the Buysellvouchers gift card marketplace, you will be able to buy VoipDiscount gift cards with many different cryptocurrencies and e-currencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Tether ERC20 (USDT), Tether TRC20 (USDT), Ethereum (ETH), Binance USD (BUSD) and DAI.
BuySellVouchers online market regularly adds new payment methods and product categories. We hope in the future, it will be possible to buy VoipDiscount gift cards with PayPal, credit cards and other popular online payment systems, and e-wallets.
For buying VoipDiscount gift cards, choose the e-gift card of the right currency and value and follow the system's instructions. On the Buysellvouchers gift card exchange platform you can find great deals on top brands' gift cards in bulk.
If you want to sell VoipDiscount gift cards instantly, you must Sign Up. Under "Account Preferences" you will be able to find the section "My products", where it will be possible for you to add your VoipDiscount gift card code for sale. You can find more information about the purchasing and selling process of gift cards, gift certificates, vouchers, keys, tokens, coupons, and other digital products in our FAQ section. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact Customer Service.
If you are interested in the gift card giveaways, follow the BuySellVouchers social media accounts. We regularly provide different kinds of gift card giveaways through our social media channels.