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WebMoney paymer? Buysellvouchers.com got it all for you

The WebMoney Paymer is a comparatively young service that showcases various types of settlement operations all the way through online. And with the payment system of the WebMoney Paymer you can just simply and effortlessly pay for the purchases that you have made on the internet through the online shops as well as for any variants of the services that are provided to you, all of which you can do at any moment that is suitable at your time. This particular service includes two very crucial sides of modern life’s payment system aspects which are high reliability and a total package of simplicity. And these are the grounds behind Palmer is gaining a much more stable position for the payer and for the payee as well.

Webmoney voucher

Completely, what is WebMoney Paymer? The WebMoney Paymer is a software-hardware service of the WebMoney electronic money system which allows the controlling of the payment obligations, which perhaps are electronic checks.

This particular branch of service allocates making, checking, exchanging, and merging, and also satisfying the checks. The WebMoney Paymer check has its ostensible value and in general, it’s a numeric code of a specific length. All of the operations with the checks, except its creation, are commission-free. And at the very moment of the creation of a certain check, the commission is only at 1% of the checks which was created during a span of a year of service.

Then, what are these checks for? Any WebMoney Paymer check can be used for mutual settlements in the online mode, and in an instance that the Paymer is being used, it is not necessary to launch the WebMoney client and conduct all of the standard procedures. Just a quiet example of this was, with these particular checks the client can be able to pay for his/her purchases in the internet stores, and for some services as well. The buyer only has to select the product that he/she needs and specify WebMoney as the means of payment and then choose “Other ways to pay” in the menu. A check like this may be used by any person; the buyer does not have to be a client of this particular system. And also the check may be also purchased on the page the buysellvouchers.com.

Above all, there are vital advantages that the WebMoney Paymer is worth pointing out, and these are the following:

• First, this may be used by every single person for the payment in any single software environment which does not consider the point of time and the territory;

• Second, it is beneficial financially. The payment for the creation of the ticket is just the sum of 1% right from its value. And the users also do not lose any single money by the transfer;

• And lastly, the WebMoney Paymer is a system of direct and instant online settlement which makes it possible to pay or receive money within just a few seconds.

Here you can see the offerings of the current WebMoney Paymer products:
